Currently CYO are looking for two volunteer Trustees to join the board.
Do you have a desire to see children and young people in our city grow in life, hope and faith and the motivation to be part of our team?
CYO is looking for two new trustees to join our board over the coming months.
In response to the retirement of current trustees, we are interested in hearing from people who have experience of church leadership, who have management experience in primary or secondary education, or experience in the field of mental health and wellbeing support, and who have an interest in being part of a team which provides good governance and oversight for the work of CYO, in partnership with churches, within local schools and colleges.
Our aim is to have a board with a range of skills, background and experience and so we wouldn’t exclude from consideration people who have other relevant skills such as financial management, HR or communications – and an enthusiasm for our mission as a charity!
Of course it is crucial that our trustees share CYO’s values and our passion to enable the resources of the local church to be available to schools, children and young people in Colchester.
The trustee role is voluntary and the core time commitment is attendance at quarterly trustee meetings which happen on a weekday evening, and to attend the annual CYO Celebration which is an evening event. Ad hoc availability by email or phone for input or advice for our Director is also helpful. Further involvement in the work of CYO is actively encouraged but not expected.
More information on the role of a charity trustee can be found here –
For an informal chat about the CYO trustee role, please contact
What we do
Chaplaincy – helping schools and colleges with the spiritual development and pastoral care of pupils and staff.
Partnership – working together with churches to empower, encourage and equip others in school ministry.
Pastoral mentoring – working with school pastoral staff, we offer a caring, listening ear to young people who need a little extra support when life is difficult.
Projects – our projects support the pastoral, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students in expressive, creative and interactive ways.
Bounce – three part interactive course for Year 6 students to prepare for adolescence focusing on Identity, Community and Destiny.